Thursday 28 July 2011

A Home Based Business?

By: Glyndun Bailey | Organo Gold Consultant

This age old question still have people wondering. With the hike in job cuts and the high unemployment rate globally, persons are now drawing closer to the idea of starting a business at home. After having sat at home sending applications to the numerous corporations and businesses where you would have loved to be employed, few will ever have the decency to even call you and say, “I have received your application, BUT….”.

It’s really frustrating when you, after having spent all that time and money, being dedicated in an educational institution, studying to become the best scholar that you can be, and still up to now, cannot find a job. Frustration kicks in when you know you are not getting any younger and bills stocking up.  You sit at home trying to figure out what can I do, what I can start, to legitimately earn an income from home.

Then you go on the internet, my friend, there’s a cob-web of information out there. A sea of information that will have you confused:
·      Which business platform to choose?
·      What to buy and sell?
·      What to join, where to meet?
·      Which webinar to signup for?
·      Where to subscribe free or for a fee?
·      Or even which books to buy to learn how to make money?

All that can work and has worked for some persons but ask yourself some questions first;
1.      Do I just want to make money?
2.      Will I love making money this way?
3.      Will I be motivated to continue after a few months?
4.      Is this an easy way out, or will I have to put some work in it?
5.      Is this a scam or is it legit?
6.      Is there anybody I know making money this way?
7.      What will I need to start this business?
8.      How will I market the business?
9.      How soon will I make money after start up?
10.  How stiff is the competition?
11.  Will I be proud and confident to say I now do this for a living?

Well, I know I have you thinking. Look at it this way, just like any corporation out there, your business should thrive on not just the scope of you making money, but
·      What do I love to do?
·      Is there a need that I can fulfill/supply?
·      Is there a need for a service that is scarce?
·      Or even, how different can I do this to stand out?

Has anything come to mind?

While you think let me introduce you to a product that RIGHT NOW is just as demanding as GOLD. I like to call it, “Black Gold”. It is the second most consumed beverage on the planet after water. It’s the second most traded commodity after oil. In other words it’s a highly reusable consumable product. People drink it all day, everyday in almost every continent around the world.

I introduce to you the COFFEE Business, and not just any coffee, it is healthier coffee blended with Ganoderma, the “King of Herbs”. This is but one of the many products of OrGano Gold International Inc. Try one today, Click Here

I’ve heard about them before you say, but wait, isn’t that a good thing? What have you heard?

There is no business in this world that doesn’t require some effort and sacrifice to start up. No successful person just jumped into riches without working hard for it, unless it was by means of inheritance or the lotto.

Why choose OrGano Gold as your Home Based Business?  Read

Or if you are eager like I hope you are. Start now, even as a representative.

Join my Team of Entrepreneurs at Avadon’s Coffee Distributors and I will show and guide you thereafter on your journey in becoming just as successful as I am becoming, from the comfort of your home.

Many persons say, “Join me!”, and when you do you are left on your own to figure out the ropes of the business. That’s not our style, that’s not how it is done at Avadon’s Coffee Distributors. We are a team and we work as a team, because “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link”.

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Avadons Coffee Distributors
Tel: (876)435-4681 / (876)508-9241

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